L&DI Blog & News
Learning & Development Institute, founded in 1969, is the professional body representing members concerned with Learning and Talent Development in Ireland.
brain, teams, work, psychodynamics
work, AI
Skills for Working with ...
AI is enhancing workplace robotic systems, giving them greater capabilities and flexibility, and redefining workplace roles, tasks and work methods.
work, skills, Budget
Budget 2025 Response
L&DI's response to the Irish Government's recent 2025 budget announcement
work, AI, PowerPoint
AI Tools in PowerPoint
Fiona Walsh, a Microsoft Master Trainer, looks at the native AI features within PowerPoint 365 and encourages AI-phobes to begin utilising the tool.
work, skills, upskilling
Utilisation of Job ...
The recently published EU Jobs Skills survey asked employed people about the skills they used at work and the allocation of time spent on these skills
It's a Wrap - A Guide to ...
A guide to creating a stress free break at Christmas for yourself, and to be able to return to work in January as a more productive version of your old self.
work, News, skills, research
Ireland's Ageing ...
Ageing workforces is the subject of a recent OECD report which focuses on helping workers progress their careers or switch jobs when wanted or necessary.
work, research
The SOLAS National Skills Bulletin 2023 provides valuable insights on labour market trends in Ireland with special interest for L&D professionals
An Evening of Excellence
With a welcome return as a gala event, the L&D community came together to celebrate the latest innovations in the sector - Excellence in Learning Awards
development, work, skills, business, micro credentials
Micro-Credentials - A ...
Recent CEDEFOP review found growth in use of micro-credentials, but review highlighted confusion among users. Now, EU aim to introduce common standards.
work, skills, talent, upskilling
Future Workforce Skills
The 2023 World Economic Forum Future of Jobs Report provides insights into trends on jobs and skills that businesses can use over the next 5 years.
work, business, bullying
Addressing and ...
Stopping workplace bullying, and spotting its signs, are crucial in fostering a positive work environment which nurtures growth, development & inclusivity.
development, work, apprentice
What Works Best in the ...
Graduates transitioning from education to labour force are dealing with constant change due to decline in routine tasks and rise in tech-intensive tasks
learning, development, work, skills, business
Kirkpatrick’s Evaluation ...
Dr Cyril Kirwin makes the case for Kirkpatrick’s Evaluation Framework's shortcomings and how it is interpreted and deployed in business
learning, work, business, leaders, storytelling
Business Needs Leaders ...
Craft a narrative. Connect to a vision. Create meaning. Define the what, enable the how, share the why. All business-speak for: tell a story.
learning, development, work, News
Irish job market ...
Employment market is trending upwards in Ireland, which is of interest to Learning & Development professionals
learning, work, News, skills
Towards 2023 - European ...
boost investment in training and upskilling opportunities for workers seeking to acquire in-demand skills, the European Commission has made 2023 the European Year of Skills.
learning, development, work, conference
Review of IITD's National Conference for L&D professionals entitled Re-Imagining Learning In the New World of Work: Curiosity, Chaos & Connection
learning, development, hybrid, work
The transition to hybrid ...
Transitioning to hybrid working is a journey. If you’ve already “arrived”, reach out to your colleagues still on the journey.
development, work, change
The Language of Change
Our emotional reactions to language are largely unavoidable. That is why the words you use matter and intentional language is critical
How the talent agenda is ...
What can companies do to better measure and communicate how their people drive material value and risk?
learning, development, teams, hybrid, work
Reconnecting Teams
Ahead of a fast-changing future, leaders need to bring their teams back together – with purpose, energy and through fostering a sense of belonging.
Why Email makes us less ...
Email has become a huge distraction in today’s workplace and research is pointing to the performance and productivity costs. According to McKinsey & Company, the average US worker spends 28% of their week reading and answering emails and according Stanford psychology professor Clifford Na
learning, brain, work
Strategic imperatives ...
There are 10 strategic imperatives every business needs to understand if it’s to be successful, according to William Buist, CEO of Abelard Collaborative Consultancy and author of ‘At your Fingertips’ and ‘The Little Book of Mentoring’. These 1
Okay - confession time. Did you ever leave a meeting and say to yourself – or your confidants something like “…well, that was a complete waste of time…. that’ll never work…. somebody needs to deal with yer man…” Maybe YOU didn’t and ha
Twitter for L&D ...
Should L&D Professionals bother with Twitter? Today’s post is by Logicearth’s Head of Learning Innovation, Fiona Quigley – who is an avid Twitter and Social Media user. (@fionaquigs) I’ve been using Twitter for a few years now. It has honestly greatly enriched my pro
learning, work
Mental Fitness: How to ...
by Kathleen Fanning Coaches and trainers are always upskilling and building up their knowledge base to serve their clients better. In recent years, the whole area of neuroscience has caught our imagination with the wonderful ‘discovery’ of neuroplasticity. As learning
Awake at Work – Using ...
Work can often be frustrating. On the job we frequently face conflicts, difficult personalities, disappointing results—a variety of challenges and obstacles. Can meditation offer us a way to manage daily struggles and challenges? Michael Carroll - author of ‘Awake at Work’ - and
teams, work
The Rise & Power of Team ...
By Louise McNamara, Director, Invisio In part one of this two-part series, Louise McNamara explored the rise of teams in organisation structures and what a high-performing team looks like, before going on to clarify what team coaching is, how it differs from other
Social Media Can Improve ...
Employees see social media as key to improving workplace collaboration, according to a research report based on a survey of finance, HR and IT staff from 160 mid-market UK organisations, carried out to examine changing attitudes to the use of social media as a means of improving productivity. The s
teams, work
The Engaged Employee – ...
By Danny Sheahan There is an often quoted account of President John F Kennedy’s visit to the NASA space centre in 1962, whereby the President meets a janitor and asks, “What is it that you do?”. The janitor replies “Mr President, I’m helping to put a ma
Will robots be the ...
Robots already do surgery, fly drones, drive cars and answer calls for hotel chains. But could they lead human teams? Research at MIT has shown that they can make better managers and that people would rather work for a robot boss who gave out tasks than for a human being. The research by docto